Studio Jox is a film and visual storytelling company within the Cultural Creative Industries since 1995 that produces; fiction, documentary, animation, Virtual Reality, filmAPP, AR etc. Swedish FILM Database, IMDB, Film teacher and member of Writers Guild, Center for Dramatics.

See more at Filmography, Filmmakers SVT and Selected CVs are included and FilmEpidemic ass

Jonas Myrstrand – screenwriter, director, film teacher and FilmCurator with Immersive Media. Born in Stockholm in 1960 and active since 1985. Has made music videos, commercials, commissioned films as well as over 40 shorts, Cinemas and documentary for SVT, film festivals and cinemas. Nominated for “Best Swedish Short” GiFF. Nowadays also VR & Film APPs. Multiple Award Winner “Best VR-film” & “Best Experimental” for Feature and Received several grants and scholarships, Sources EU script development, Artists’ Residencys, SFI New York (Judy Weston) Writers Guild Association. Nominated Best Innovation Project Monitor AudioVisual. Participates in several EU projects.

Master in Film Curator, Akademi Valand, Film Institute, Film Academy
Teacher at Halmstad University, Skövde University and started as artistic director the new film line at Gothenburg Folk College.

Joined and started Illusion film&tv after the film academy in Gothenburg in 1990.
Since 1995, Studio Jox has been a one-man company with hired teams in the media cluster GothenburgFilmStudios, Lindholmen’s Scince Park Gothenburg and FilmEpidemin.

“It will be quiet in the forest if only the most beautiful birds sing…” watch a Tiger painting come to life…

Participated since 1992 with film/seminars at the Gothenburg Film Festival about 20 times